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My Secret Intention I Say Before I Do Pretty Much Anything

May this article be a healing article. May it reduce pain and suffering. May it bring more love, joy, and health into the world.

It was clinic moving day. I was at the new clinic alone getting the moving boxes I’d stored there, before meeting the moving crew at the old clinic.

It was a new beginning and I wanted it to start right. I needed an intention. A foundation. A back bone.

I sat on my meditation mat breathing and waiting for the perfect intention to seep into my consciousness.

What am I all about? What is this place all about? What is my mission all about?

It came to me. Or rather they. Those words I write all the time. The ones I use when I’m introducing my self or naturopathic medicine to new people.

Ultimately all of my work is about reducing pain and suffering and bringing more love, joy, and health into the world.

I started to speak out loud, “May this space be a healing space. May this space reduce pain and suffering. May this space bring more love, joy, and health into the worlds of those who come here and the world at large.

“May this space be a healing space. May this space reduce pain and suffering. May this space bring more love, joy and health into the worlds of those who come here and the world at large.”

After a few minutes of repeating this I started to cry. Not just a trickle. Flood gates were open. Between sobs I giggled to myself, “It’s already working.”

Since then I’ve been very conscious about the intention behind everything I do.

Several times a day in practice I come back to that prayer:

May this Brain-Based Transformational Coaching session be a healing session. May it reduce pain and suffering. May it bring more love, joy, and health into this person’s world.

May this acupuncture treatment be a healing treatment. May it reduce pain and suffering…

May this needle be a healing needle…

May this supplement be a healing supplement…

May this conversation be a healing conversation…

May this email be a healing email…

And I don’t just do it before interacting with others.

I do it for myself personally as well.

May this day be a healing day…

May this meal be a healing meal…

May this walk be a healing walk…

May this sleep be a healing sleep…

May this hug be a healing hug…

May this bowel movement be a healing bowel movement

(You think I’m joking about that last one don’t you?)

Every action we take has the potential to heal or harm.

By stating my intention I send a message to the universe about which way I want the effects of my actions to go.

It also helps me approach people and difficult situations with compassion, kindness, and empathy.

These little blessings take me less than 2 seconds, but connect me to the purpose behind all of the stress and turmoil in the world.

And that is to heal. Become whole. Heck, I figure it can’t hurt!

Intention is Everything.

Well, actually that is only half the equation. Intention and then action. That’s where the gold is. Intention without action is like a grilled cheese sandwich without the cheese. That’s just two pieces of toast.

You may wonder, “How do you know if it is working?” If you’re looking for data, I do have financials that show my income is steadily increasing despite a substantial increase in expenses with the clinic move (SOMETHING is working.)

More importantly what I have is a feeling of the deep soul connection from my heart to those of others (like a Care Bear stare.)

I invite you to find a small phrase that is easily adaptable to any situation, so you can silently intend it before you act. I’d love to hear what you come up with. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know below.

You can borrow mine if you’re having trouble coming up with your own. I know it’s a pretty good one 😉

To your healthy, thriving, delightful life,

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