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Naturopathic… what now?


Ultimately all of my work is about reducing suffering and
bringing more love and joy into the world

In answer to the question, “What do you do?” I typically respond,

“I help busy, super-people make time for what’s important by teaching them how to look after themselves.”


“I help women struggling with anxiety, stress, and insomnia to calm their minds, sleep deeply and find joy and energy in their lives again.”

I do said helping with the tools and philosophy of naturopathic medicine.

I practice in Nanaimo, BC and am graciously accepting new patients.

Naturopathic medicine is a form of primary health care. You see a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) for the same reasons you see general, family doctor. The difference lies in the approach.

First of all, ND’s generally spend more time with their patients – one hour the first time we meet. We review your entire medical history including your chief concern(s), injuries, surgeries, illnesses, energy, sleep, dietary habits, bowel patterns, stress, and environmental concerns.

We then collect more data. I’ll do a relevant physical exam, and order blood or other lab tests. Then we discuss the factors behind why you may be sick, and lay out a treatment plan.

Follow up

We ND’s like to track our patients’ progress over time, so we often have patients return every month or so. At every meeting we see what has changed (I especially like it when things have changed for the better) and see what we need to switch up.

My treatments typically include stress reduction, diet modification, herb and nutrient supplementation, acupuncture, brain-based unconscious reprogramming and mind-body balancing. I do a bunch of other medical gobble-dee gook but what matters is the results people get:

  • calm mind
  • deep, restorative sleeps
  • clear skin
  • cooperative bowels
  • less pain
  • more energy and vitality
  • pain free, and peaceful periods
  • healthy, happy babies
  • confidence, joy and peace – to name a few!

At the end of the day, I listen, ask really good questions, help us both understand the underlying cause(s) of your concerns, create solutions, teach, coach, encourage, celebrate your successes and trouble shoot your stuckness. Oh, yeah. And laugh a lot. Usually with you.

My naturopathic practice is:

HIPPOCRATIC – first and foremost, we (you and I as a team) choose treatment options that cause little, if any harm.

EXPLORATORY – We (there is that you and me as a team again) try our darndest to find and address the ROOT cause of your illness or symptoms.

INNATE – We (same we) encourage and facilitate the NATURAL ability of your body to heal itself by creating the perfect circumstances.

WHOLISTIC – We look at YOU, as a WHOLE person in the CONTEXT of your environment, not just your symptoms or your disease.

INDIVIDUALISTIC – I see you as UNIQUE, not as a statistic.

EDUCATIONAL – I gladly TEACH and EMPOWER you to live a healthier life. It’s why I’m here, writing for you each week.

PREVENTATIVE – We find ways to ELIMINATE RISK for chronic disease progression.


I look forward to helping you on your health and wellness journey. 
Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND
Naturopathic Doctor