BRAIN-BASED Unconscious Reprogramming

As a naturopathic doctor for 15 years, I see the impact of stress, anxiety, and poor sleep quality on people’s health, relationships and careers.

Naturopathic medicine is all about finding the root cause. It’s also a lifestyle medicine and works extremely well when people are can make changes to their self-care routines, nutritional habits, thoughts and emotions.

But what happens when people aren’t available for that because of deep unconscious patterns and beliefs? And how can we work WITH the unconscious mind to break through the cycles that are keeping you stuck, anxious, not sleeping, tired, irritable, and stressed?

With brain-based, neuro-linguistic programing tools we retrain your unconscious mind to be ready, willing, and able to easily make health-promoting changes that set you up for a compelling future of joy & vitality.

I’m certified as a MASTER Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach and Practitioner, as well as a Time Line Therapy (R) Practitioner so that I can empower people to easily make the choice to take care of themselves, now. 

In the context of a Breakthrough process I guide my clients through various neurological reprogramming techniques to decrease stress in the body, calm the nervous system, and reprogram your unconscious mind for successful mindsets, and positive, healthy habits.

BRAIN-BASED Coaching: Why and What?

Here’s the truth. It’s not what you know. Admittedly you know you need to eat your broccoli. And if that’s true then why aren’t you eating it? (NOTE: “eating your broccoli” is a metaphor for what ever it is that you know you should be doing to take care of yourself but just aren’t.)

So it’s not what you know. It’s what you do. And how do you get yourself to DO when you’re so used to NOT doing?

Here’s the difference. Knowing is a conscious process, but DOING is driven by your UNCONSCIOUS mind.

Your unconscious mind is the place where all change, learning, habits, and healing happens.

Your unconscious mind is this incredible part of you that’s quietly running the show behind the scenes. It’s beating your heart, digesting your food, growing your hair, and even turning on those habitually anxious thoughts and keeping the system revved up in flight or fight mode.

It’s leading you to reach for the chips even though you want to lose weight. It’s directing you to stay in on the couch instead of going for a hike. It’s driving you to stay up to 2 am even though you’re alarm is set for 6 am and you know you’re a she-beast when you get less than 8 hours of sleep.

So to truly, sustainably change these patterns and habits and ultimately transform what you’re experiencing we have to work with the UNCONSCIOUS mind, the way that it wants us to. Here are some ways we do that, in an intentional therapeutic order.

Clearing the “Big 5” with Time Line (R) Therapy. We’ve all experienced these emotions: Anger, Saddness, Fear, Hurt, and Guilt. With out our conscious awareness these emotions stay in our system and hog physiological resources that we could be using for things like, oh you know, healing, having energy, and feeling happy. We clear the emotions out of the root cause event and observe a ripple effect through out your entire personal history. This changes how you experience these emotions and rewires your unconscious mind for positivity.

Clearing Trauma. Your unconscious mind remembers everything. Traumas of any size or nature stick around in the unconscious mind and change how we see the world and our place in it. We clear traumas in a way that is tripple disociated – aka you are not in the event, three steps away from it in fact. Finally! Something that works with out needing “to feel it to heal it.” It’s perfect for clearing past conflicts; the work is actually quite pleasant and peaceful.

Clearing Limiting Decisions. Your beliefs determine how you filter and experience your environment. We all have a series of limiting beliefs that impede us from living fully and knowing our true potential. A limiting belief is a limiting decision because at some level and at some point your unconscious mind DECIDED to belief it. We clear these with Time Line (R) Therapy.

Uniquely and beautifully the three tools listed above are non-triggering, non-traumatizing, and content free – aka you don’t need to share your past pain.

Core Transformation. This technique allows you to understand that every feeling, behaviour, or response has a higher desire, purpose, or intention. This relaxing experience transforms the parts of you that seem in conflict of who you want to be and the goals you want to achevie and invites you to access a core state of being, where you discover that the thing you’re seeking is already with in you.

Parts Integration. Your unconscious mind has catagorized different parts of you. For example, there might be a part of you that wants to go for a run, but there might be a part of you that wants to sit with your chippies and skittles watching the Tiger King on Netflix. Or maybe there is a decision you’re having a hard time making. Should you run away an become a broadway star or should you stick out your accounting program. This technique literally integrates these conflicted of you.

Wholeness. What is the “I” in you that is reading this website? Is it you in your full, expanded awareness? Doubt it. Most likely you’re reading this with a contracted part of you. This work is spiritual and invites the different “I’s” with in you to expand, relax, open, and merge into the wholeness of expanded awareness that is the full version of you.

Anchoring. What do you do what you see a red traffic light? You move your foot to the break pedal (hopefully). And when it turns red? You move your foot back to the gas. What is the first thing you do in the morning? What happens when you hear the song you danced to at prom? These are all anchors. An anchor is a neurological stimulus that creates a certain state or a specific behaviour. We consciously create anchors to purposefully access very intententional and resourceful ways of being.

Like To Dislike. This is a simple technique that recodes how you experience a food that you really loooooooove eating but you know isn’t good for you so that you don’t want it anymore. I haven’t touched a certain cheese since I had this technique done on me in January 2021.

Swish. This retrains your unconscious mind to effectively change your habbits. It’s potently effective for things like biting your nails, picking at scabs, and even reaching for the chippies when you want to be eating more healthfully.

A bit more about your UNCONSCIOUS MIND:

Think of it like this. Imagine you’ve got somewhere to go. You get in your car, turn from the driveway on to the road, and head to where you’re going. The only problem is the brake pedal is on, and you didn’t even know it. You’re chugging along not actually getting anywhere no matter how much pressure you put on the gas.

That’s exactly how your unconscious mind keeps you stuck in your current patterns – even though you CONSCIOUSLY want them to be different and even though it’s actually uncomfortable and maybe even painful to live with things the way they are.

I can help you retrain, reprogram, & recode your unconscious mind to:

  • clear what’s keeping you stuck in struggle and suffering
  • be in total alignment with what you want
  • create new habits
  • predict new reliable and compelling future outcomes

In short, these brain-based coaching strategies allows you to calm your mind, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy in your life again.

We release the brake pedal and let the gas take it from there.

Stop and take a moment to imagine what would be different in your life, health and well-being if you were free from ruminating thoughts, were sleeping deeply every night, and waking rested?

Picture also what that would mean for your relationships, career, and the impact that you could be making in the world.

You can imagine that your life would be pretty good, could you not?

As you’re reading this and you’ve read this far then part of you knows that there just might be a solution to your problem.

Is it your time now?

What ever you decide I’m so excited you’re here exploring your options to a more calm, happy, energized, fulfilling, and revitalized life, aren’t you?

May you choose to make all your dreams come true,

???Tonia Winchester
Transformational Guide, Vitality Coach
Certified MASTER Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy ® Practitioner