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My 7 Day Food Experiment

Life is just one big experiment! Don’t ya think? We’re constantly trying things and seeing what happens as a result. Hopefully, we’re doing this consciously.

If we’re wanting things to be different than we need to try new things until we find the result we’re looking for. Take it from me, hoping and praying that things will magically change will never work. You have to DO things differently.

Today I want to share the results of a self-imposed 7-day food experiment.

I talked about rotating foods and eating 50 different whole foods per week right here.

My plan was to incorporate several different food philosophies that make the most amount of sense to me based on what I know about how the body gets sick and how it heals.

My Favorite Food Philosophies:

  1. Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates (Father of modern medicine)
  2. Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.”  – Michael Pollan  (Author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defence of Food)
  3. Rotate or React.” – Lyn-Genet Recitas. (Author of The Metabolism Plan)
  4. Paleo – Popularized by Dr. Loren Cordain (Author of The Paleo Diet)
  5. Eat 50 different whole foods per week.” – Dr. Bill Code (Author of Solving the Brain Puzzle)

Watch this video to learn:

  • How I incorporated all the ideas listed above into my eating strategy for the week
  • My dog’s fail-proof strategy for letting her go outside
  • The 4 main PHYSICAL results I noticed after my week-long experiment (SPOILER: I could have called this article how I lost 5 pounds in 7 days, but I already have an article called, “How I lost 7 pounds in 20 days“)
  • The truth about saying, “I didn’t have a choice.”
  • Why it’s important to vary your food intake
  • How I managed social engagements and planned functions
  • The 80/20 rule when it comes to eating and how those numbers actually break down
  • My commitment to myself moving forward


The video is a bit garbled at the end so I’ll quickly describe the 80/20 rule:

When patients are stabilized with respect to their health goals then I recommend eating in a way that works for them as individuals 80% of the time and enjoying some flexibility with their eating 20% of the time.

Here’s how the math breaks down: 

3 meals per day x 7 days per week = 21 meals per week

80% of 21 = 17 clean, good, healthy, low reactive meals per week

20% of 21 = 4 more flexible, slightly  higher reactive, indulgences per week

(Of course, everyone will have a different tolerance for this ratio – for example, some people need to stick to a 90/10 or a 95/5 ratio.)


Here is the list of foods I ate (in order of appearance)*:

  1. coconut milk
  2. blueberries
  3. chia seeds
  4. fig
  5. raw cacao powder
  6. turmeric
  7. ginger
  8. ceylon cinnamon
  9. turkey stock
  10. broccoli
  11. carrots
  12. celery
  13. radish
  14. parsnips
  15. almonds in the form of: almond butter, ground, whole
  16. cannelloni beans
  17. garlic
  18. red pepper
  19. kale
  20. red cabbage
  21. curly endive
  22. chicken
  23. lemongrass
  24. hemp seeds
  25. romaine lettuce
  26. cherry tomatoes
  27. oat milk
  28. nutritional yeast
  29. beats: dehydrated and fresh
  30. paprika: normal and smoked
  31. parsley
  32. cranberries: frozen and dried
  33. blackberries
  34. broccoli sprouts
  35. avocado
  36. olive oil
  37. lemon juice
  38. lemon zest
  39. spearmint
  40. pumpkin seeds
  41. sunflower seeds
  42. Brussels sprouts
  43. apple
  44. balsamic vinegar
  45. radicchio
  46. cucumber
  47. basil
  48. salmon
  49. spaghetti squash
  50. lamb
  51. chorizo
  52. cilantro
  53. onion
  54. pineapple
  55. grapes
  56. apricot: dried
  57. raisins
  58. peanut butter
  59. dates
  60. rice: wrap and noodles
  61. coconut meat: flour, flakes
  62. white cabbage
  63. cauliflower
  64. yam
  65. zucchini
  66. cumin
  67. buckwheat flour
  68. black pepper
  69. chipotle powder
  70. eggs
  71. pistachio
  72. mango
  73. capers
  74. olives
  75. sunflower sprouts
  76. pea sprouts
  77. fava bean sprouts
  78. kale sprouts
  79. radish sprouts
  80. fenugreek sprouts
  81. bok choi sprouts
  82. pac choi sprouts
  83. achillea ptarmica
  84. hyssop
  85. sage
  86. galangal
  87. wile thyme
  88. I know I said 88… but I had beets on there twice… so 87 it is!

*As far as I know this is a complete and inclusive list – if it’s not on here, I didn’t eat it.


Why did I decide to do this experiment?

That’s a good story and I’m going to leave that one for another time.


Let me know what you think!

Have you done any food experiments? What did you discover as a result of your trial? Let me know in the comments below.


To your healthy, happy, delightful life,


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