Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

If It’s Not Scheduled, It’s Not Real

Dr. Tonia Winchester, nanaimo naturopathic doctor, nanaimo acupuncture, discusses how to make sure you get the results you're hoping for by putting it in the calendarOn the weekend I purchased a 2 week audio program to help me with an area that I’ve been struggling with.

I almost didn’t buy it because I knew it would take time each day to go through the program and get the best benefits.

I had this thought:

“Gawsh. It’s going to take about an hour per day. I don’t know if I have that kinda time.”

I immediately pressed the confirm button.

Because I had a flash of insight!

My perception that I don’t have the time is ridiculous. If it’s important to me – which this thing is – I HAVE TO CREATE THE TIME.

Sorry for yelling, but I want to bring that point home.

If there something in your life that you want to change you have to make room for that change. You have to make time for it. That might mean letting something go from your calendar. What ever it takes. If it’s important then you have to make the time.

No one else will make the time for you.

You have to put it in your calendar.

One mentor says repeatedly, “If it’s not scheduled. It’s not real.”

For realsies.

We’re all busy. I get that. But you’re in charge of your calendar. You can decide when you’re going reserve non negotiable time just for you.

If you’re not willing to do this then stop complaining that you’re not getting the changes you’re looking for. You can’t keep doing what you’re doing and expect to get a different result.

I was able to look at my calendar and easily see that I could NOT watch the extra episode of Private Practice or what ever I happen to be consuming from Netflix these days. Boom. Found an hour. Done.

Let your priorities dictate your schedule – not the other way round.

The late Stephen Covey (author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) said it in a different way:

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

Here are some other articles that might help:
100 Reasons Why Your Healthy Living Plan Isn’t Working Out
How to Delight Yourself First
3 Reasons Why Your Loved Ones Don’t Want You To Change and What To Do About It

SELF-Evaluation time!

What is important to you?
What is your medicine?
What do you want to change?


Look at your calendar and relentlessly cut stuff out of it so you can make time for the new activity, behavior, or habit.





Do it.

Do the thing. Make the change.

To your healthy, thriving, delightful life,

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