Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

When Convenience Becomes Inconvenient

My friend and I went to a food truck festival (om nom nom). We found ourselves in the longest line for the truck that we thought would a) serve delicious food and b) provide us food that would make our bodies happy.

This couple walked past us while they were looking at all the food truck options, and he said to her, “Why don’t we just have pizza because that truck doesn’t have a lineup?”

I thought to myself, “Hmmm… well, that’s an interesting way to go through life, making decisions, choosing what’s convenient!”

But then I realized. Most people do exactly that. All the time. Here’s a video about when this becomes a problem for your health and well-being.

It’s easy and convenient to:

  • go through the drive through
  • put something premade into the oven
  • to stop at the convenience store and pick something up
  • purchase something that’s already made and packaged up.

It feels hard and inconvenient to:

  • make diet changes
  • eat more vegetables
  • avoid your food allergies or sensitivities
  • figure out via some kind of elimination eating program, what those food reactivities are.

But… isn’t it HARDER and more INCONVENIENT to:

  • be pain all the time?
  • sleep restlessly?
  • get triggered and irritated?
  • feel anxious?
  • have painful periods?
  • clear rooms with your gas (let alone the bloating pain you experience)?

What is your tipping point?

I’m here to provoke your thoughts about this. What is your tipping point? When is it going to be easier for you to be well versus easier for you to eat what’s convenient?

They say the pain of change has to be less than the pain of staying the same because interestingly humans are more likely to move away from something painful than towards something overtly pleasurable.

Every time you eat, you have the opportunity to stack the deck of health in your favor. Food has the power to be effective medicine.

I encourage you to consider what in your life is convenient and where can you spend a little bit more time and maybe a little bit more energy. Even though it may seem harder at first it’ll likely have a big impact on how you feel and this changes everything!!

Wouldn’t it be easier and more convenient to actually not be in pain every day?

That’s a choice you’d have to make. It’s entirely up to you.

Are you going to choose what seems convenient and easy, even though it makes your life more inconvenient and your health harder?

Where can you start to shift out of the mindset of fast and easy versus healthy and easy? That’s the question.


I would love to know your thoughts on this one. Let me know where you’ve made a health positive choice even though it seemed hard and how did you benefit? Did you stick with it even though it was inconvenient? What did you notice?


To your healthy, thriving, delightful life,


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