Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

Choose to Be Happy and Watch Your Life Change

It was 1:24:34 pm, on Tuesday, May 15 when I decided to be happy. Just for the sake of it. Not because of anything. Just because. Through the magic of video, I’ve been able to witness the moment where this AHA transformed me. This article contains screenshots of that video call.

I was deep into a 3-month transformational group coaching program and had been doing a tremendous amount of personal and professional development work. I’d been implementing new habits, working on new ideas. I felt I was doing all the right things.

But yet… I wasn’t seeing something important that I wanted to be seeing. And I had a lot of expectations about what I wanted to be seeing the attachment to which, I found out later, was causing a lot of unnecessary suffering.


And I was sad about it. This is a screenshot as I was sharing my concerns and frustrations. You see that pool of shiny on my cheek? Sad tears.

He asked, “You understand that what you put out there comes back to you?” Yes. I get that. (Or thought I did.)

He said, “The Universe is NOT testing you. It’s reflecting you.” Hmmm…

“You do not reach your desires through your thinking, but through your feeling. If you feel sad, or mad, or angry or poor, you’ll attract that. If you feel good, you’ll attract good.” Hmmm…

For example, say someone doesn’t have enough money, which causes them to go into fear and worry, and that attracts more fear and worry.

Here’s what my coach helped me realize: I was depending on outside circumstances to make me feel happy. I was letting my external world of circumstance determine how I was feeling internally. And guess what? They are 100% independent of each other.

I had to make the leap across the chasm to where I feel happy inside.

He asked me, “If you were serving clients all day long, do you think you’d be happier?” Yes! That’s when I’m in my element, I’m lit up, I’m jazzed! Look at me all jazzed in this picture:

“So…” he said, “Something outside of yourself makes you happy?”

Huh? No… it’s just when I’m doing my work, I’m happy because I matter… oh… I see…

I had this thought, “If for some reason I never saw another patient for the rest of my life, would that mean I could never be happy again?”

A-effing-ha! Frying pan to my face. GONG! My “getting it” face:

So even though I was being a good student and DOING all the things I was told to do, things didn’t shift until I started BEING someone different. I crossed a chasm when I decided to just BE happy.

When you understand that you’re creating what you’re attracting, the world will open up for you. When we shift internally, the external world corresponds. He emphasized, “You are the sole (soul) creator of what you’re bringing into your life.”

This is me just being happy… just for the sake of it:

He saw this face and said, “There it is! That’s where I want you. I request you stay there all week.”

So I did. And cra-amazing things started happening.

Immediately after the call I walked down the street to a furniture store to poke around. The store owner spontaneously started serenading me with a Frank Sinatra song. It was a super weird moment, but also really fun. He was just happy. It felt like the universe was nodding at me like a proud parent.

I came back to the office, feeling happy. Just because. While I was gone two new patients booked appointments. Hmmm…

Previously I knew intellectually that the energy I put out comes back to me. Now I don’t just know it in my brain, but I GET it in my body.

Move your internal state to be happy. Don’t let any circumstances steal your inner peace or joy.

I started doing something that feels really powerful. When people ask me how I’m doing I am practicing saying, “I’m happy!” and provide no explanation. Consistently and interestingly people’s faces light up, and they smile. Now they’re happy. Just because. Most say, “EXCELLENT!”

So… what if you don’t feel happy? Well… then do what you can to feel that way. Start with your posture. Stand taller. Next try on a smile, like you’re growing a giggle. Try changing your thoughts. Oh! There is also this article: 7 Steps to Cultivate Happiness.  And this 20 Ways to Attract More Joy Into Your Life.

I also like this anonymous quote, “Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”

There it is. That’s where I request you stay. All day. All week. All the time.

I’d love to hear from you. Do you remember a time when you shifted your physical state, which then shifted your emotional state, which then shifted your external environment? Tell me all about it in the comments below.

And… please do go right ahead and share this article with your friends… we can’t go wrong with more happiness in the world.

Here’s to your healthy, thriving delightful life!

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