Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

Balancing Your Hormones for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle

PMS, cramps, cravings. Ugh. Being a woman! Your monthly cycle can come with a lot of distress, pain, and mood swings. But is it necessary? There are lots of helpers in the naturopathic tool kit to really shift this icky experiences for women. My colleague, Dr. Jeannie Doig, and I chatted about how we support our patients who are having trouble with their menstrual cycles – whether it be cramps, mood swings, cravings, too much bleeding, too little bleeding, fibroids, PCOS, and more.

In this video you’ll learn:

  • ? The different types of PMS and the hormone in balance is that could be connected
  • ? The four foods to consider eliminating from your diet to improve your PMS
  • ?key nutrient deficiencies in women with PMS and what to do about them
  • ? different types of bleeding disorders and what Underlying pathologies might be going on
  • ? The role of environmental toxins and ways to decrease your exposure
  • ? simple approaches that naturopathic doctors take to balance a woman’s menstrual cycle.


Let us know in the comments if you have any success with any of these suggestions – or if you’d like to add anything to this list. We’d love to hear it.

To your healthy, thriving, delightful life,

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