Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

Pour the Wax Out

Dr. Tonia winchester, nanaimo naturopathic doctor shows you how to make room for what's important in your life.Each morning I have a self-care routine – my Non-Negotiable-Tonia Time (my NNTT) which involves lighting some beeswax candles. One in particular is a tall pillar candle the diameter of a tea light. One morning it wasn’t lighting.

After 3 attempts of trying to get it to light, I realized what was going on. The wick was short. Too short. The pool of wax from the day before had filled in the top of the candle. There was no room for the flame to dance.

I started excavating.

I used the end of a spoon to scoop out some of the hardened wax around the wick. I tried again, and the flame she took.

Now, at the end of my meditation, when I blow out the candles, I check to see if the pillar candle needs to let go of anything.

If there is too much melted wax I will pour a little out so the next morning she will be ready to shine to her brightest capacity.

How does this relate to my work and more importantly, you and your healthy, thriving delightful life (which is what I want for you)?

Well… sometimes you have to consciously make room for your fire, your passion, the stuff that lights you up.

My patients tell me, “I don’t have time to paint.” “I’m too busy to dance.” “I’m too tired to harvest walnuts shells and sew in tiny mice so it looks like they are tucked into the little nut shell beds.” (Admittedly that last example is a bit random, but lets just go with it.)

And yeah. Truth. Life is busy. It seems full. Overflowing even. And no one, not even those who love you, will give you the time or permission to light your candle, except you.

They are not going to pour the wax out for you. Only you can. (Tweet it!)

You have to make time and space for yourself and your inner fire. I’m not saying make your passions your career (unless you want to).

I’m just saying, create the time for them. Pour the wax of your life out. Dump the stuff that is just filler or supporting someone else’s passion. Give your flame room to light up your life.

Interestingly when you do this you end up bringing more light into the lives of others as well. And. Your body and mind will be healthier and happier. It’s a win, win, win.

Now, I want you to go, and block off a window in your calendar for the thing that makes your heart sing. Go. Now. Why are you still reading this?

It doesn’t need to be an hour. Or even 30 minutes. If you like shaking your butt then just put on ONE song, and rattle your toushie. I’m a fan of the disco minute.

Be gone, you! Unless, that is, reading my articles makes your heart sing, in which case, please have at ‘er. Here is a list of all of ’em.

To your healthy, thriving, delightful, passion-filled life,
Dr. Tonia

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