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What Moving Taught Me About The Healing Process

I moved. Blah. No one likes moving. Even if the new spot is your beautiful, rural forever home, (aka an awesome move!) it’s still a lot. A lot of coordinating, a lot of phone calls, a lot of experimentation, and a lot of schlepping. As I was moving I kept drawing parallels to the complicated, [...]

Your Body Remembers How to Heal

I went salsa dancing last week for the first time in several weeks. It was over two months, which in the span of my 10- year salsa dancing stint is a pretty long time. Even over the course of my life as a dancer (I started at age 3 or 4) 2 months is a [...]

Who Holds the Key to World Peace?

Facebook kindly told me today is the United Nations International Day of Peace.  Ironically that platform is not the most peaceful place to me to spend time and I try to minimize it as much as possible. I am only on it to find out about local salsa events. It is a means to a peaceful [...]

Two Steps to Healing Miracles

You have probably heard a version of the quote, “That which is measured, improves.” Quantum scientists recognize this phenomenon identified by Werner Heisenberg: When particles are observed their behavior changes. He said, “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” I see this in my work as well. [...]

It’s Not What You Know, But What You Do.

It’s not what you know, it’s what you do. I heard that quote from Todd Henry. I’m not sure if he said it first. When I google it all I get is people who said, “It’s not what you know but who you know.” I suppose this is also good information. It’s not my specific point today, but [...]

Get Rid of Your Headaches Naturally.

A few weeks back I had a headache. I rarely get them and certainly feel for those who suffer for them on the regular. I have a number of patients who come to me for this very reason. And there are countless reasons why someone might experience this. In fact if I saw three people for headaches there would likely [...]

3 Ways to Ward off that Nagging Cough

I just went for a walk to help my brain come up with a new article to write for you. While I was out tromping about with my dawgy, one of my besties texted, “Hey Dr. T! Do you have any recommendations for a natural cough suppressant? Or a throat spray that helps calm the [...]

What’s Really Behind Bone Loss

In my head, I’ve been constructing a revamp of an article I wrote for the Plan Facebook page a few weeks back.  I wrote it at the time because that week 3 patients asked me about calcium supplementation after seeing a story CBC shared about how it can do more harm than good. Truthfully this is not new [...]

What It Means To Really Heal

In the last two weeks I’ve had two people apologize to me for sexually inappropriate things they had said to me. Both men. One was four years ago, and the other was eight. I’m not talking yesterday. Years ago. And both men, with in the same fortnight decided to make amends? Curious right? I certainly [...]

If It’s Not Scheduled, It’s Not Real

On the weekend I purchased a 2 week audio program to help me with an area that I’ve been struggling with. I almost didn’t buy it because I knew it would take time each day to go through the program and get the best benefits. I had this thought: “Gawsh. It’s going to take about [...]

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