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Curing your Stress Like a Ninja: Deep Breathing for Beginners.

I realized that for all the time and energy I have spent teaching how stress can affect the body, I haven’t spent nearly enough time explaining what to do about it. And my favorite remedy for stress (besides orgasmic meditation ;) ) is deep breathing. I’ve touched on deep breathing in a couple articles, but [...]

How to Know if you have Allergies or a Cold

Here in the northern hemisphere, we’re very much aware of autumn setting in. The mornings just a little darker. The air just a little crisper. Leaves are browning and falling. Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters adorn the the racks in the stores. With this seasonal change comes an increased likelihood of colds and flus. And [...]

How I Lost 7 Pounds in 20 Days

Wow, I’m blown away by a new resource. It’s called, “The Plan” by Lyn-Genet Recitas. It came highly recommended to me by a patient who emailed saying, “I’m finally losing weight on ‘The Plan.'” She, like so many women, has been struggling with her weight for years. I thought, “Oh great. What is the latest [...]

The Thing You Can’t Lose Weight With Out

  The fascinating truth about weight loss – and why it’s not what you think Here’s a question. What are you actually losing when you’re dropping weight? A common response I hear is that we lose weight through our stools. That makes sense, right? Well, the make up our stool is mostly water and bulk [...]

How to Prevent and Treat 3 Common Summer Ailments with Natural Remedies

As of today, summer is officially here in the northern hemisphere. I know, it’s a couple weeks past the solstice, but every year my mom tells me that when it comes to weather, summer starts on July 15th. I’ve stopped arguing with her because she is generally correct. But now it’s here. With increased outside [...]

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