Free GUIDE: 3 Simple Tools to Feel Great!

What Are You Committed To?

The title of this post could be the entire blog article, but I’ll give you some context.

I’ve been working with a coach in an online, group setting with the purpose of transforming our businesses and our lives. I have had a million AHAs going through the material, showing up on the weekly calls, and witnessing my group mates share their AHAs. I know there are a million more AHAs to come in our final 5 weeks.

And not only are there intellectual, emotional and spiritual AHAs, but I am actually translating them into tangible, observable, measurable outcomes.

One of the first questions the coach asked us was,

WHAT are you committed to and WHO do you have to BE in order to make that happen?

In fact he keeps asking that question over and over again. He must be really committed to asking us that question! Ha! It’s a game changer when you answer this question honestly.

What am I committed to?

I’m committed to taking my message to a broader audience beyond what I can offer in my practice. I’m committed to being fit, healthy, flexible and strong. I’m committed to a balanced life doing work that matters and reaches everyone it needs to and also having a tonne of fun.

Who do I have to BE to make that happen?

  • Well, first, I have to be committed. Hahaha… yep! I’m committed to commitment.
  • I also have to be self-integral. I must keep the promises I make to myself and others. Notice how I put myself first there?
  • Also, I have to be discerning. I must only make promises I am willing and able to keep, and discard the ones I can’t or don’t want to keep. I must relentlessly prioritize what happens when.
  • I have to be responsible. Only I can make the changes happen that I want to see. I am in charge of my own feelings, thoughts, reactions, and responses. Other people can’t make me happy or successful. I can’t do that for anyone else. Only for me.
  • I need to be accountable to myself. I know that I’m the source of all of the things I see in my life. It all comes back to me.

Because I’ve been checking in with myself about this question every day for the last 45 or so, I’m closer than ever to actually launching my very own online program on self-care. I tested the shopping cart yesterday. That’s how close it is. Commitment. Self-Integrity. Discernment. Responsibility. Accountability. That’s how I be.

So I have a question for you:

WHAT are you committed to and WHO do you have to BE in order to make that happen?

The whole purpose of this question is to shift out of the HAVE-DO-BE paradigm.

“If I only had more money, then I could take more vacations, then I would be relaxed and happy.”

Or, “If I only had more time then I could focus on what I really want to do, quit my job, and finally feel satisfied.”

This paradigm makes everything out of reach because you are dependant on an outside variable to change. It has to be an inside job. The butler did it! 😉

But in all seriousness, getting honest with your self and answering these questions shifts you into the BE-DO-HAVE paradigm. Do you see how you must change who and how you are being for the rest to fall in place?


Let’s take your health since that’s kinda my bag, and likely you’re here on this website because you have areas of your health and well-being that you want improved. Are you truly committed to your health? Are you discerning in how you eat and choosing to eat well? (Or are you just trying to eat well?) As Yoda said, “Do or Do Not. There is No Try.”

Said differently, it’s not what you know but what you do, and more importantly who you be.

Are you committed to your physical fitness? Do you prioritize consistently moving in a way that feels good in your body and gets you the results you want? Or do things get in the way? Do you let others’ needs supersede your promises to yourself? Are you being self-integral?

When you look around at what you have or do not have in your life you see you what you’re committed to. Netflix? Doritos? Debt? Health problems?

It’s a mighty wake up call, isn’t it?

Another example of these principals at work in my own life is this conversation I just had with my bestie (the artist of the super cute Yoda above):

I made a commitment to myself to practice two essential acts of self-care every day. They are non-negotiables and I’m not willing to let our weekend vacation plans get in the way. I ask you again:

WHAT are you committed to and WHO do you have to BE in order to make that happen?

I hope this was illuminating and created your very own AHA. If it did then I encourage you to TAKE ACTION NOW on whatever it is that you’ve learned. Don’t let any excuses get in the way. Go BE it! (Then do, then have).

I’d love to know any insights so go ahead and answer in the comments below. Share this one with your buddies. The more peeps being this way the healthier the world will be.

Here’s to your healthy, thriving, delightful life!


“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and JUST BE HAPPY.” – A pad of scrapbook paper 

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