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What You Need to Consider About the 80/20 Rule

80:20 what you need to know

Have you heard of this?

The 80/20 rule?

My wiki search came up with this, “The Pareto principle (also known as the 80ā€“20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

I know the rule to be a bit different and relate to a different topic – healthy habits. When embarking on a new habit or maintaining an existing habit you can be good, consistent, and compliant about the habit 80% of the time and slack off the other 20%. It is meant to help people ease into the new habit. And its subtext is to not hate yourself if you slip, because hey! You’re following the 80/20 rule.

I’ll tell you why this gets dangerous.(Tweet it!)

1. We overestimate the 20%.

Let’s consider food.
Pretend, hypothetically, that your naturopathic doctor recommended that you avoid wheat. And you’re worried about how you’re going to do that. You ask for some flexibility.

She puts it into perspective when she says, “So if you were avoid wheat 80% of the time, then you could eat wheat the other 20%. Lets say for simplicity you eat 3 meals a day. That’s 21 meals per week. Eighty percent of 21 is about 17. That gives you 4 meals per week that you’d be able to include some wheat in your diet.” Less than you thought, eh?

2. We underestimate the 80%.

Let’s look at exercise.
If you were to exercise 80% of the time that works out to 5.6 days per week. Due to the rules of rounding, we round up, and boom – that’s 6 days a week that you would need to move your body. More than you thought, eh?

3. We use it as an excuse

When we give ourselves a grey area, we often indulge more in the less-than-healthy behaviors than before we created the rule. We over do it.

I alluded to this earlier, but often we become over forgiving. I’m following the 80/20 rule – I’m allowed.

To be clear, I’m not opposed to the 80/20 rule. In fact, in specific patient situations I suggest it. But I think it is important to consider the fine print – what the terms actually mean.

I find that my patients often perceive my lifestyle or dietary suggestions as a punishment and they resist because they say the food or the behavior makes them happy. And I’m all about doing what makes you happy. But…

Here is where I really want your attention.

I challenge you to explore:

Does it make you happy, or make you numb?

Does it lift you up, or distract you?

Does it make you a better you, or is it just comfortable?

I know. Not easy questions.

My job is to challenge your status quo, because only when you take new action will you get a different result. (Tweet it!)

And the result I want for you is for you to be healthy, happy and doing what you love.

So if you’re embarking on a new habit, and you’re thinking that you’ll be good 80% of the time, I encourage you to check in with yourself. What in you is resistant to changing 100%? I’m not saying it’s black or white, all or nothing. I just want you to be clear about why you’re making the choices and allowances you’re making. Awareness is the inaugural step.

Take it.

Here’s to your 100% jivin’ Health & thrivin’ Life,

Dr. Tonia

PS I’m standing true to my decison to purge one physical item every day this year. You can check in on my progress here.

PPS I’d love to hear what you’re ready to do 100% and what was in your way up until now. Comment below!

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