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Listening to That Little Voice

Dr. Tonia Winchester, nanaimo naturopathic doctor, nanaimo acupuncture, nanaimo bodytalk, describes the seasons and how our activities vary from summer to fallI’m not sure if it’s true where you are, but I’ve notice the air in the mornings has a hint of fall.

There is more moisture, a sweeter smell, and chill that wasn’t there last week or the one before.

I haven’t been creating a lot of new content over the summer. I had lots of ideas – but it’s as if the heat of the summer literally sparked them out of existence. They would enter my consciousness and poof! They’d be gone.

I was judging myself for not writing.

I love writing.

I love sharing my writing.

I was on the guilt train and on my way to Letting Myself Down Land.  But despite my self-criticism, for what ever reason when an idea for an article would rush in my head there would be a little voice that said to me, “No. Not now. Let it go.”

I’ve come to realize that I was just in a normal cycle of life, and the seasons.

Summer is about passion, and change, and energy and intensity.

It’s about ideas.  Sparks.

I moved clinics this summer. That change required my attention and energy be placed else where – outside my normal routine of flushing out ideas in notebooks, voice recorders, and computers.

My move beautifully reflected the fleetingness of summer, the heat surge and explosiveness behind creativity, play and joy.

As fall continues to wedge it’s foot into the door, I’m hearing a different voice now, “Slow. Quiet. Peace. Write.”

The fall is about ideas coming into manifestation. Harvest. Bounty.

It’s about storing up for the winter. Physically with nutritious produce from our gardens, and emotionally by becoming conscious of what we need to do to prepare for the next phase. What we want to keep. And of what we want to let go.

So I see now that my mind-body system was just following the laws of nature. The realization makes it easier to judge myself less, and love myself more.

The next time you find yourself wishing you were in a different place, pause and reflect. Ask, “How is this emotion, or situation, or health condition exactly what I need right now?”
And remember (I say this for myself as much as for your benefit), Life happens FOR us not TO us.

I think that inner voice was right all along – and it usually is if I’m being honest!

Here are a couple articles on seasonal shifts for your reading enjoyment:
Why Joy is Overrated Are you missing this opportunity for joy?
3 Tips to survive this awkward time of year

To your thriving, healthy, delightful life cycles,

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